Revision Tips

Revision Tips

Why is revision important?

Revision is important to succeed in your exams. Revision done well will lead to good results. It’s like training for a marathon, you wouldn’t just go for a long run the night before. Training would start a year before the event with little and often building up to the main event. Your exams need to be treated in the same way. The earlier you can start good revision the better equipped you will be when it’s exam day.

What is the best way to revise?

Small chunks
It’s always best to revise in small chunks rather than sitting down for hours. Spend 20-30 minutes on a subject then change. Then give yourself a break after an hour.

Set yourself to learn a small part of the main subject eg. Balancing chemical equations or enzymes. By planning what you are going to revise beforehand and having all the paperwork beside you will save you time when you switch subjects.

Create a timetable
While we are on the subject of planning, create a timetable that so you know when you are going to revise and have recreation time. Try and have a set time every day which you are going to study. Studying will become easier as you train your brain to revise at the same time every day.

Create flashcards

Practice test papers
Identify gaps in your knowlege

Have an area for studying
Have a quiet area to study, no phones, laptops,

Revision research
In 2013 research was carried out to find out what the most effective way of revising was. Summarisation, highlighting and rereading were amongst the least effective ways of revising and practice testing, distributed and deliberate practising were the most effective ways of learning. Read the full report.

Revision top tips

  • Start revising early
  • Create a time table
  • Get a good balance between revision and free time
  • Spend only 20-30 minutes on a subject then move on
  • Set up a quiet working environment
  • Make sure you have a complete set of revision notes/books
  • Have no distractions when revising eg music/laptops/phones
  • Use different ways of revising
  • Relax after revising, get a drink or something to eat
  • Do not go on TV/game consoles/phone straight after revising, give it time for the information to sink in

Links for revision

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