GCSE Options

GCSE Options

Don’t choose it because:

  • It’s supposed to be easy.
  • To please your parents.
  • You like the teacher (you may not get them at GCSE level).
  • Your friends are picking it (you might not be in the same class).


  • Find out what the school has to offer in GCSE choices.
  • Ask teachers and parents their opinion.
  • Ask friends or siblings what they have done and what they think of the course.
  • Think about if you want to choose something that goes with your other choices or something different for a change.
  • Attend option evenings at your school if they have one.






How does this help me with my future?

Art will teach you how to arrange, present and display material in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. Creativity is an essential skill that employers and universities look for.

What careers can I go on to do?

Animator, Architect, Art gallery cuator, Art therapist, Fashion designer, Grpahic designer, Lanscaper, Make-up artist, Museum curator, Play therapist, Primary school teacher, Prop maker, Set designer, Tattooist, Textile designer, TV or film director, Visual merchandiser, Web content manager,


How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Academic researcher, Biomedical scientist, Botanist, Biotechnologist, Ciminologist, Dental nurse, Environmental consultant, Food scientist, Gardener, GP, Health visitor, Higher education lecturer, Horticultural manager, Hospital doctor, Marine biologist, Microbiologist, Nanotechnologist, Nature conservation officer, Nurse, Oceanographer, Ornithologist, Pharmacologist, Podiatrist, Research scientist, Scientific laboratory technician, Secondary school teacher, Soil scientist, Speech and language therapist, Teaching laboratory technician, Vet, Zookeeper, Zoologist,

Business Studies

How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Business adviser, Business manager, Investment banker, Management consultant, Project manager, Stockbroker,


How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Academic researcher, Analytical chemist, Anaesthetist, Biotechnologist, Brewery worker, Chemical engineer, Chemist, Clinical scientist, Criminologist, Dentist, Energy engineer, Food scientist, Forensic scientist, Geotechnician, GP, Hospital doctor, Laboratory technician, Materials engineer, Minerals surveyor, Nanotechnologist, Nurse, Oil rig worker, Pharmascist, Research scientist, Scientific laboratory technician, Textile technologist, Toxicologist, Vet,


How does this help me with my future?

Computer Science

How does this help me with my future?

Learning Computer Science can become useful in many subjects such as mathematics, science and engineering.

What careers can I go on to do?

Game designer, IT consultant, Software engineer, Web designer,


How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Digital copywriter, Early years teacher, Editorial assistant, Magazine journalist, Newspaper journalist, Publishing copy-editor/proofreader, Screenwriter, Secondary school teacher, Talent agent, Web content manager, Writer,


How does this help me with my future?

With Dance you can go on to study Performing arts, teaching, physiotherapy, events management, costume design, diet and nutrition or arts and business adminstration.

What careers can I go on to do?

Arts administrator, Choreographer, Dance movement psychotherapist, Dancer, Personal trainer, Theatre director,

Design & Technology

How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Exhibition designer, Furniture designer, Interior designer, Product designer,

Drama / Performing Arts

How does this help me with my future?

Any career path where teamwork, creativity or communication are key aspects. For example the police, teaching, armed forces, design, retail, travel and tourism and of couse any performing arts.

What careers can I go on to do?

Actor, Choreographer, Dancer, Dramatherapist, Music producer, Music Therapist, Theatre director,


How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Commercial or residential surveyor, Environmental consultant, Planning and development surveyor, Secondary school teacher, Town planner,


How does this help me with my future?

The top 20 universities list History as the most important subject students can study due to transferable skills students gain while completing the GCSE. It opens doors in careers in law, education, research, politics and even finance.

What careers can I go on to do?

Academic researcher, Heritage manager, Historic buildings inspector, Museum education officer, Secondary school teacher,

Hospitality and Catering

How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Accommodation manager, catering manager, chef, conference centre manager, event manager, restaurant manger, hotel manager, public house manager,


How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Accounting technician, Acoustics consultant, Aerospace engineer, Air traffic controller, Astronomer, Bank manager, Civil engineer, Chartered accountant, Credit controller, Criminologist, Cyber Intelligence officer, Data analyst, Data scientist, Economist, Electrical engineer, Finance officer, Financial adviser, Insurance underwriter, Investment analyst, Meteorologist, Research scientist, Secondary school teacher, Software developer, sound engineer, Statistician, Stockbroker, Tax adviser,

Media Studies

How does this help me with my future?

Suits students interested in journalism, TV and Film, advertising and goes well with subjects like history, art and photography.

What careers can I go on to do?

Actor, Advertising account executive, Advertising copywriter, Community arts worker, Computer games developer, Computer games tester, Digital marketer, Drug and alcohol worker, Events manager,  Media buyer, Media planner, Media researcher, Music producer, Public relations officer, Stagehand, Social media manager, TV/Film/Video producer, TV presenter, Video editor, Vlogger, Web content manager, Web designer, Writer,

Modern Foreign Language

How does this help me with my future?

On average, people who have a language at GCSE earn ┬ú3,000 per yaer more than those who don’t. Languages can be useful for all sorts of jobs.

What careers can I go on to do?

Academic researcher, Interpreter, Political risk analyst, Secondary school teacher, translator,


How does this help me with my future?

Any career path where teamwork, creativity or communication are key aspects. For example the police, teaching, armed forces, design, retail, travel and tourism and of couse any performing arts.

What careers can I go on to do?

Music producer, Music therapist, Musician, Private music teacher, Secondary school teacher, Sound designer, Sound engineer, Sound technician, Special effects technician,

Physical Education

How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Armed Forces, Chiropractors, Dance Instructor, Sports journalist, Sports marketing manger, Fitness instructor, Lifeguard, Sports coach, Sports nutritionist, Exercise physiologist, Fitness centre manager, Personal trainer, Secondary school teacher, Sports administrator, Sports therapist,  Sports development officer,


How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?

Academic researcher, Acoustics consultant, Aerospace engineer, Agicultural engineer, Architect, Astronomer, Audiologist, Broadcast engineer, Building services engineer, Chemical engineer, Civil engineer, Clinical scientist, Criminologist, Design and development engineer, Electronics engineer, Electronics engineer, Energy engineer, Geoscientist, Higher education lecturer, IT service engineer, Metallurgist, Meterologist, Nanotechnologist, Nuclear engineer, Oil and gas operations manager, Physicist, Radiation protection practitioner, Research scientist, Secondary school teacher, Sound engineer, Technical author,


How does this help me with my future?

Photography give knowlege to the digital arts for use in web design, advertising, animation, photography, film and gaming industries. Creativity is an essential skill that employers and universities look for.

What careers can I go on to do?

Graphic designer, Magazine features editor, Medical illustrator, Photographer, Press photographer, Television camera operator,

Religious Studies

How does this help me with my future?


What careers can I go on to do?


Travel and Tourism

How does this help me with my future?

It is designed to be a practical foundation for training for a job in these areas or to lead on to study the subject at a higher level in Further or Higher Education.

What careers can I go on to do?

Air cabin crew, Holiday representative, Hotel manager, Tour manager, Tourism officer, Tourist information centre manager, Travel agency manager,